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how to prepare for a telehealth or online physio session

How To Prepare For Your Online Telehealth Session

Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to improve your health, work through an injury or seek a path to your fitness goal and booked an online session. So how do you prepare for telehealth?

Check Your System

At PridePlus Health we use Halaxy Telehealth which is a secure and purpose built telehealth offering. It does not require any downloads and can open in most modern browsers. PC, Mac, iPhone, Android, and tablets are all supported. 

You will require a microphone and camera which come pre installed on most laptop, smart phones and tablets.

To prepare for telehealth a test is recommended to ensure your system will function correctly. You can do that securely here.

You will have to allow your browser to access your camera and microphone for the consultation to be a success.

If your system does not support video telehealth please get in contact with us prior to your consultation and we will use our back up plan of Zoom (popular video conferencing platform without health integration) or other means. Contact team@prideplus.com.au with any issues.

Complete Your Meet & Greet Information Form

Prior to your first consultation we will email you a secure form for you to tell us a little about yourself and what you would like to achieve. 

This information is stored securely in our encrypted practice management software.

Your answers will allow your therapist to guide you through to your goals by streamlining the assessment process.

Prepare Your Space

The time has come, you’re ready for your session. 

Depending on your exact needs and the service you’ve made an appointment with your space requirements might vary slightly. Starting in a well lit area, with the light coming from behind the camera (not shining into the camera) will make it easier to connect with us.

Enough space to move around, step, jump, stretch and perform some exercises might also be needed. A yoga mat or towel make a good exercise area in the home (or park or beach).

If you have equipment or devices you would like to talk about like shoes, braces, orthotics or weights have them close by for your call.

Having your device on a flat surface that can stand on its own is also useful if you need to perform some exercises for assessment or therapy.

It can be helpful to have another person nearby to assist you with holding your device or performing some exercises at times as well.

This final point on preparing your space is controversial, with some members of our team very keen to consult with good dogs nearby, others less so. 

Pets and Children. 

By all means pets and kids are welcome to be in your safe space for therapy, just be mindful of the need for attention and movement whilst you conduct your assessments and exercise. 

Prepare Your Device

Video calling uses a fair bit of processing power on your phone, tablet or computer. You can prepare for telehealth by ensuring your device is charged fully or plugged in.

Mute notifications or turn your phone onto silent during your session.

Finally, To Prepare For Telehealth Is To Be Prepared For Anything…

Internet drops out because you’re on the copper NBN? 

Your 3 year old macbook has a melt down? 

Your phone suddenly freezes?

Don’t stress. We’ll work through it with you. Our backups, backup is the trusty phone call so if things are going pear shaped we will call you and crack on.