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When To See A Physio Lockdown Guide

Our Physio Lockdown Guide is here for our beloved Pascoe Vale community. At Pride we couldn’t think of a tighter crew as well placed to get through this state of disaster as ours. 

We’re thrilled with the generosity and support we see every single day, in clinic and during our telehealth sessions. 

To help make sense of some confusion out there here it is.

Our Physio Lockdown Guide with questions and answers about your physiotherapy care during stage 4 lockdown.

Can I see a physiotherapist under stage 4 lockdown?

Yes you can see a physio under stage 4 lockdown, if you are in either the:

  • ❤️️RED Zone
  • 💛YELLOW Zone 

Wait, ❤️️RED or 💛YELLOW zones? What does that mean? 

The zones are a triaging system where we can determine the need for physio intervention

The ❤️️RED zone is for people who require urgent physio care with risk to life or limb if not seen face to face. 

In the ❤️️RED zone are any musculoskeletal problems suffered by key workers affecting their ability to work who cannot be treated by a telehealth consultation.

The 💛YELLOW zone is for people who require physio care who will likely suffer a negative health outcome if they do not see a physiotherapist.

This zone covers a large proportion of the people who attend our essential physio service in Pascoe Vale. 

Any condition where treatment is required to maintain the basic necessities of life including musculoskeletal, neurological and pre or post surgical interventions are in the 💛YELLOW zone.

Also in the 💛YELLOW zone are any condition where physiotherapy treatment is required to avoid permanent or significant disability.

If it’s sore and has an impact on your life, then you’re most likely in the 💛YELLOW zone.

The 💚GREEN zone is for people who can hold off and do not require urgent physiotherapy care right now.

This group includes those where treatment is focused on improving quality of life without the presence of chronic disease. Think along the lines of non-specific massage or manipulation, fitness training etc.

All people coming into our clinic will be screened over the phone prior to their session and upon arrival for COVID symptoms and it’s a requirement that you wear a mask whilst attending.

Physio open during stage 4 lockdown

Our physiotherapists are open in Pascoe Vale during the stage 4 lockdown. You must make your appointment over the phone as online bookings are turned off to allow triage and screening.

  • Kent Rd, Pascoe Vale.
  • 📞 9304 0500

When to see a physio during lockdown

It’s important to see a physiotherapist during lockdown if you are in either the ❤️️RED or  💛YELLOW zones.

Pain and dysfunction negatively impacting your ability to lead an active and safe life is critical to get on top of.

Reducing movement around our community is a key factor in reducing the spread of coronavirus. If it’s safe and appropriate for you to undertake a telehealth physiotherapy session we will encourage you to do this.

Can I see a physio if I live more than 5Km away?

Yes you can travel greater than 5 Km to your physiotherapy session for treatment as long as you are in the  ❤️️RED or  💛YELLOW zone and have passed the COVID screening questions.

When to use telehealth to see a physio

Telehealth for physiotherapy is an emerging tool which we have used extensively at PridePlus Health. 

If you have any symptoms of coronavirus and are therefore unable to attend a session you can get started on an assessment and treatment plan via telehealth. 

You can also review exercise programs, workstation set ups and more via telehealth video sessions with your physio.

If you’re unsure about attending an in clinic session then telehealth can be a great way to commence your physiotherapy care in the safety of your own home.

If it’s safe and appropriate, then commencing your physiotherapy via telehealth or reviewing your progress online is strongly encouraged.

How PridePlus Health are keeping safe during lockdown

We have created our COVID Safe plan and are following it to the letter. 

Our personal and environmental hygiene is industry leading. The team is trained and supported to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus.

This includes

  • Masks
  • Face Shields and Goggles
  • Laminar air flow management 
  • Antiseptic cleaning of all surfaces between clients
  • Regular laundry of environmentally friendly towels and sheets
  • Hand hygiene in line with the World Health Organisation’s 5 Moments 
  • Screening & Triage Systems

Stay safe, stay healthy, look after each other and your bodies! If you need any further information please don’t hesitate to contact us.

📞 (03) 9304 0500

💻 team@prideplus.com.au