Home » Falls Prevention Exercise Classes
falls prevention exercise classes in pascoe vale called strong and steady with a happy lady

Falls Prevention Exercise Classes

Want to shop without the drop? Improve your balance, strength and confidence with our falls prevention exercise classes.

A fear of falling and losing independence can be scary but with the help of your exercise experts you will feel strong, steady and motivated to achieve your goals.

We know that feeling confident and keeping up with the kids and grandkids is important as we get a few more birthdays under the belt, so lets make a start!

Book your one-on-one session with our Pascoe Vale EPs

Start your journey back to confidence, balance and mobility.

Welcome to Strong & Steady

Strong & Steady is our falls prevention program where we get real outcomes with you.

  • Improved balance
  • Improved mobility
  • Improved strength
  • Improved confidence

What would you like to achieve?

What would be an exercise program without a good set of goals?

There’s the goals of improving balance and reducing your risk of falling which are super important.

However, these goals translate to more real life things like feeling steadier on your feet, spending more time in the garden and feeling confident around the grandkids and pets.

Think about what is important to you. Why is staying up on your feet and being active something you value. These are the true goals or achievements we love working towards with you.

Why we value standing strong & steady

Having a fall can result in physical and psychological injuries that affects your ability to remain independent.

Losing confidence in your ability to complete everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, gardening and even walking around home.

Exercise will help you keep that independence.

Overcome challenges together in our falls prevention exercise classes

There are barriers to exercise that hinder us from achieving our goals.

Committing to regular exercise can be hard.

Sometimes you might not want to exercise because you feel tired.

The consensus is that exercise can do quite the opposite and improve your energy levels.

But the only way to get that zip and zest is to get moving and get started.

When we’re in a group it’s easier as we can support each other when we feel a bit flat.

Join our falls prevention exercise classes, bring a friend and make it a social outing!

In these videos we’ve put together some strength and balance exercises we use.

Learn more about falls prevention and why it matters so much to us here.

Leave your fears behind

Confidence is key when it comes to falls and balance.

Fear of falling, fear of injury and fear of losing your independence is real.

It’s amazing what improved strength and mobility will do for bolstering your confidence and getting you gliding across your hallways at home.

Take action!

Right now, our EPs are ready to get you back confident, steady and moving again.

Book in online with our EP team in Pascoe Vale for a one-on-one session to start your Strong & Steady journey.

After your first one-on-one session the choice is yours.

We offer great sessions with EPs acting as ultra-knowledgeable trainers for just you alone, or you can join our small group exercise classes.

In the classes there’s the social support and encouragement we often need to keep us on track.

We look forward to being part of your journey towards confidence, balance, and staying strong on your feet.