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NDIS at PridePlus Health

As the NDIS roll out continues in Australia there have been more and more questions about what this means for our community.

As with many 3rd party funding streams, the NDIS can be confusing at first for clients and health practitioners alike. 

Here’s the lay of the land currently.

Once registered and approved for the NDIS you or your loved one can go into one of 3 streams.

Self Managed – Where you pay for your upfront costs and receive reimbursement via the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency).

Plan Managed – Where a 3rd party agent helps set up the plan and arranges payment for services.

NDIA Managed – Where the agency itself takes on the role of setting up when, where and how the funds are distributed.

At PridePlus Health, our team of podiatrists, physiotherapists and exercise physiologists are able to provide services to Self and Plan managed NDIS clients. At this stage we do not offer our services to NDIA managed clients however this may change in the future.

For specifics relating to Self and Plan managed clients, read on. 

For NDIA managed clients you will need to talk to your NDIA Agent to access allied health team members appropriate for you. You can also search for a provider on your myplace portal.

How do I see a NDIS Podiatrist?

If you’re in Melbourne, Pascoe Vale or Emerald you can see our podiatry team by making a booking online or calling our clinics. Simple.

If you’re in need of NDIS orthotics or other load optimisation devices that podiatrists are experts in prescribing you can book in for a session with our podiatry team to determine the best course of action for you and your feet.

How do I see a NDIS Physiotherapist?

In Pascoe Vale it’s easy, book in with our physio team and commence your NDIS funded therapy straight away.

How do I see a NDIS Exercise Physiologist?

Our EP’s in Pascoe Vale are exercise experts who are able to help improve your life, manage conditions and increase well being. 

Our EP’s run one on one and group sessions.

If you’re looking to join our group classes for the health and social benefits of exercise you will need to have an initial session one on one first. After that your EP will facilitate your access to group classes.

For all of the above health professions there needs to be funds allocated in your plan for appropriate services, therapy and support. 

In Summary

If you’re not sure if you are covered, check with your NDIA agent prior to booking in with our team or get in contact with us if you would like more information.