
Strong To The Bone Program

Strong To The Bone is an evidence-based group exercise intervention delivered by an experienced Exercise Physiologist that focuses on four key areas to improve your bone density and quality of life.

Reduce the risk of falls related fractures by improving your balance and coordination

Perform safe and effective weight-bearing and resistance exercises to increase bone density and muscle strength

Learn how to protect your body from compression and overuse injuries

Increase your movement capacity by performing safe and effective exercises that reduce tension and pain

STTB & Osteoporosis

Did you know that people with Osteoporosis have a 2-3 fold increase in fracture risk?

Marshall et al (1996). Meta-analysis of how well measures of BMD predict OP fractures.

50% Men and 70% of women who suffer a fragility fracture have a diagnosis of osteopenia

Sanders et al (2006). When is fracture prevention cost-effective?

2/3rds of Australians over 50 suffer from a low bone mass.

  • 70:30 Female:Male

Osteoporosis fractures per day in Aus in 2013

  • 400 Fractures

Cost of care in Aus in 2012

  • $2.75 Billion

Watts et al (2013). Osteoporosis Costing All Australians. New Burden of Disease Analysis

If only we had and evidence-based, safe and effective treatment option?

physiotherapy for lower back pain
osteoarthritis treatment

The Strong To The Bone Program

Initial Assessment

A one-on-one 60-minute initial assessment and goal planning session with our experienced Exercise Physiologist. Here we establish your individual needs and prepare you with your program for work in the group sessions and at home.

Group Sessions

We run 45-minute group sessions with a maximum of 6 participants working under the watchful eye of our exercise physiologist. The sessions will focus on your individual needs and you will learn techniques to improve your movement capacity, increase strength and protect your body from an overuse injury.

Strong To The Bone is a high-value, low-cost program where we offer our initial one-hour long assessment for $85 ($75 for pensioners and health care card holders). The group sessions are a fantastic value of $25 per class, with discounts available for multiple session passes. You may be eligible for Medicare rebates if referred via your GP under a Chronic Disease Management Plan or alternatively via your private health insurance.

If you or your loved ones are at risk of falling or fractures with low bone density, osteoporosis or in need of improved balance & mobility get in touch with the PridePlus team today.

Book into the Strong To The Bone Program with our Exercise Physiologists.