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get summer fit in pascoe vale in 2 steps

How to Get Summer Fit After Lockdown in 2 Steps

Lockdown is over and we’re all breaching our winter cocoons. The days are getting longer, warmer and the urge to get out and about is strong. This summer, it’s your summer.

You’re ready to get back to the beach, catch a wave down the coast or paddle about in the bay.

Ready to enjoy long walks in the sun, or maybe (finally) compete in the Melbourne Marathon.

Here’s how people in Pascoe Vale are overcoming heel pain and are getting summer fit after lockdown in two simple steps.

Step One: Get a Plan

What do you need to achieve your summer fitness goals? Have you had challenges in the past getting the energy and activity to get to where you want to be?

You need a plan, and not just any plan, a plan tailored exactly to you and your needs.

Our Exercise Physiologists are your exercise expert trainer, planner, coach and doc. EPs are university trained, recognised by medicare and private health insurers as the people to help you with your health and fitness goals.

Take your first step to getting summer fit with a planning session one on one with your Exercise Physiologist. At only $80 for a session you’ll be on your way to step 2 in no time.

Step Two: Work it Out

Here’s where you apply your plan from step one. You’ll be working out, trained and supported by your health coach, your Exercise Physiologist.

Depending on what you and your EP decided with your plan, your workouts might be one on one with your EP, training in our gym in Pascoe Vale.

Or you might be joining the small group exercise classes where you can work out alongside 3 others in our gym as you help each other achieve your own summer fit goals. All with the support of your EP close by.

As you work out your summer fit plan with your EP, you’ll be supported and coached along. Overcoming the barriers that inevitably arise. These could be challenges with motivation, with aches and pains, or simply being too busy to find the time.

Knowing that your expert EP is there to support you every step of the way ensure that you’re sticking to your summer fit plan and achieving your goals.

Join the hundreds of people in Pascoe Vale working on their own summer fit plans, take your first step. Select an Exercise Physiology session time that suits you.

What people in Pascoe Vale are saying about their Exercise Physiology sessions at PridePlus Health

Summer Fit FAQ

How much does getting Summer Fit with an exercise physiologist cost?

The maximum out of pocket expense for sessions are $80 for half hour one on ones. Group classes are $25. If you have private health insurance then you’ll receive rebates depending on your level of cover. For those with diabetes you can get summer fit with medicare subsidising your sessions as well in the SugarBurners🔥 Diabetes Program.

How is an exercise physiologist different to a personal trainer?

Exercise Physiologists are registered by ESSA (Exercise and Sports Science Australia) and have completed a bachelor’s degree (minimum). EPs are recognised by medicare, private health insurers, DVA, Worksafe, TAC and the NDIS as the providers of exercise therapy. EPs are trained in both exercise prescription, but also medical and musculoskeletal conditions and have extensive behavioural science training as well. All this means that if you have any barriers that arise, and we all have barriers, your EP will know just how to guide you around them. In contrast, Personal Trainers are not regulated and backed by the same private and government bodies. You can find trainers who have experience and understanding of a variety of different needs that might suit you well.

Where are you located?

Our Exercise Physiologists provide their sessions one on one and in small groups within our gym and clinical space in Pascoe Vale. We’re within PVH Medical at 124 Kent Road.

How can I check if I am covered by my private health insurer?

You can check the fine print or contact your private health insurer to see if you’re covered for Exercise Physiology to get summer fit. If your fund asks you for an item code you can quote item 102 for one on one sessions and 502 for group sessions. Questions you could ask include what is my rebate amount or percent and how much coverage to I get in a year? There are funds who recognise just how important EP is and offer great coverage. By having members attend regular EP they actually save money as members are less likely to claim for expensive surgeries that can be avoided by improving our physical health.

I’m a bit nervous starting training, I’ve never done this before, help me out.

You won’t be the first person who we’ve helped create their first positive relationship with exercise and their body. Getting summer fit is all about you and what you want to achieve. Your plan will be guided and set by you. If you’re nervous and want to work out one on one that’s great! If you want to join in our small group classes for a bit of comradery and social support, great too. What works for you is what is important.

What should I wear to my first EP session?

Wear comfortable clothing with your athletic shoes. You’ll be spending time with us sitting down together, getting to know you and your health and fitness needs. You’ll also be moving and exercising as we work out your exercise plan together.

Join your fellow Pascoe Vale people and get Summer Fit together with Pride

Take Step One: Get Your Plan with your Exercise Physiologist