Home » The Strong Room
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The Strong Room

Introducing The Strong Room:

Meet the professionals who can help you.

At PridePlus Health we understand that your health is more than just your annual flu shot. We know that for many of us maintaining the recommended minimums for our health relating to our exercise levels is hard.

Life is busy.

Sometimes we are ill.

Sometimes we are injured.

With that in mind in our Pascoe Vale clinic we have a fully equipped gym and some caring professionals to help you with all manner of challenges in life. The Strong Room is a little different to big box gyms where you’re left to your own devices. Our health professionals work with you, your needs, your abilities to offer different solutions to achieve your goals.

Let’s introduce a couple of the team.

Pascoe Vale Physiotherapist Naveena Seethapathy

naveena physiotherapist pascoe vale

How do you use The Strong Room?

It’s great to have access to a large space for our rehab. Physiotherapy can involve some one on one manual (hands on) work which we do in our dedicated clinical rooms. When it comes to the rehab there’s only so much you can do with rubber bands in a small room. The Strong Room allows me to find safe loads to build strength, flexibility and capacity in my clients as they overcome their injuries.

What can you help people with?

I’m here for you when you’re sore. Any musculoskeletal and Sporting injury really. I work closely with Mike the EP a lot where initially a client comes to me with an acute injury – pain. We then work on diagnosis and commence therapy to get on top of that early pain. As a client’s rehab progresses they will often move over to Mike for further exercise therapy/rehab where they can focus on bigger picture movements, activities and exercises, usually doing an individualised program in a group setting

Return to sports after an injury, injuries sustained at work, road traffic accidents

Improving performance

How do people find you?

Online or give us a call. You can book your appointments here or easily call the reception team on 9304 0500. I’m in clinic Monday, Wednesday and Friday with some later appointments for those coming in after school or work.

Pascoe Vale EP (Exercise Physiologist) Mike Fitzsimon

mike exercise physiologist pascoe vale

How do you use The Strong Room?

The Strong Room is my clinical “home”. As the EP at PridePlus Health Pascoe Vale my priority is enabling our community to experience their own personal journey of self discovery through exercise. The Strong Room is an innovative, safe and enjoyable place to learn how to condition your body and mind with evidence based exercise. I consult 1:1 with people injured, needing assistance managing chronic disease (such as diabetes, arthritis, depression and so many more) and those looking to re – engage with exercise again after falling off the wagon.

I also run group exercise classes in The Strong Room where up to 6 people perform their individualised plan. The groups are heaps of fun and a great place to work out, get healthy, get better and connect with other like minded people.

Some of our classes are targeted for specific people. We run Strong To The Bone for those at risk of falls and fractures relating to decreased muscle and bone strength. All classes are really inclusive, with each participant completing their personal programs for weight loss, increased strength, managing persistent pain, anything and everything that exercise can have a positive influence on (which is pretty much everything!).

The pilates reformers are also handy tools for us to adjust the load we place on our bodies for rehab. Very useful.

I also use our Wii Fit Balance board and force platform – For those needing variety, we can use technology to enable improvements in lower limb conditioning and improved balance. This is useful for those clients with specific balance deficits or lower limb issues.

What can you help people with?

The list is so long. The right exercises are needed to assist with pretty much any health or lifestyle condition. If we just look at the 8 most common chronic conditions which together effect 50% (!!!) of Australians exercise has proven benefits for all of them. These include cancer, cardiovascular disease, mental health, arthritis, back pain, lung disease, asthma and diabetes.

Chances are if you’re looking to achieve a goal health, fitness or wellness related I can help you get there.

How do people find you?

You can phone or book online. I have hours available during the day as well as after hours for those of us trying to fit work, life, kids and grandkids around our schedules.

Pascoe Vale Podiatrist Gus McSweyn

gus pascoe vale podiatrist

How do you use The Strong Room?

For us podiatrists we use the space in The Strong Room to complete gait assessments on the treadmill where we record people walking, running and work out why they are suffering and implement changes from there.

Often these changes are relating to building strength in lower limb muscles. There’s plenty of steps, weights, balance mats and other equipment where we can get started.

Using video capture we can really slow down and get detailed running gait analysis complete and use this as part of our assessments and to re train movement patterns as well.

I’m also a keen runner and play footy myself. The Strong Room is a great place for me to personally rehab any niggles that hit me in my old age.

What can you help people with?

A lot! Lower limb, foot and ankle issues. Us podiatrists see plenty of people with foot, heel and ankle pain however that’s not all. We have heaps of experience (as well as evidence) that the interventions we use including strengthening muscles, footwear prescription and orthotics are beneficial for knee pain, shin pain and even hip/lower back issues.

I have a passion to help out runners as well, the treadmill in The Strong Room allows us to do some gait re training where we can adjust and coach technique to reduce pain from injuries, risk of injuries and even lean towards enhancing performance.

How do people find you?

Easily via phone or online. You can book in with the lovely reception team on 9304 0500 or using the appointuit app.