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start your '20 right with podiatry physio and exercise physiology in pascoe vale

Start Your ‘20 Right

Start Your ’20 Right with Physiotherapy, Podiatry and Exercise Physiology in Pascoe Vale.

Happy New Year!

Let’s make this clear from the start. This isn’t a shame post. This isn’t one of those New Year Resolution listicles to make you feel guilty about what may or may not have happened over December.

This one is just a call out saying that our team in Pascoe Vale are back, recharged and refreshed and looking to help you if you need us.

Start Your ’20 Right With Exercise Physiology

start your '20 right with exercise physiology or EP the profession that will help you improve your health with exercise

Starting Jan 2nd we have our amazing Exercise Physiologist Mike back from a well earned break. Mike’s Group Exercise Classes in our Pascoe Vale Gym have been so popular (seriously, we had more people come to exercise with Mike in November – December than the first 6 months of 2019!) that we’ve added more classes to the timetable.

Mike’s available for one on one sessions (which you must have had at least one of in the last year to join in the classes) as well as group sessions. He can help you with anything that Exercise has been proven to assist.

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Training for an event
  • Weight Loss
  • And so much more.

To see Mike you can book in online (for one on one sessions) or call our team on 9304 0500. There’s medicare rebates available if you arrange the right paperwork first. We also have on the spot claiming for private health insurance and we accept pretty much all cards. To kick off 2020 a 30 minute one-on-one consult is $80 and the group classes are $25 each.

Start Your ’20 Right With Podiatry

start your '20 right with podiatry if you have sore feet or dry cracked heels

The boys are back in January as everyone’s favourite podiatrist Rachael enjoys a holiday herself after working through December. This means that Gus McSweyn, Tim Mulholland and Ben Westaway are on hand (or foot) to help you with any foot and ankle concern that pops up.

Just to keep you in the loop as to what we have been doing over the last little while, we have written up some we received and informative pieces on a couple of conditions that happen to feet in the summertime.

Appointments for the podiatry boys are fast filling up so if you’re planning around a holiday or maybe an event, you better book in quick online here or by calling 9304 0500.

Start Your ’20 Right With Physiotherapy

start your '20 right with physiotherapy if you have sore joints or muscles

Saving the biggest news until last, we have increased our physiotherapy team in both number, hours and skills! You can now see our physio team in Pascoe Vale every single day of the week. Including Saturdays AND Sundays.

December saw Dominic join our team bringing vast experience from elite sports overseas, strength and conditioning and a mindset to help everyone who struggles with musculoskeletal pain. He’s just finished writing a really great piece on one of the most common conditions, knee osteoarthritis.

We’ve also got Naveena and her incredibly popular hands available even earlier in the morning for those who need to see a physio before work. Naveena has completed her credentialing and has been awarded (and well earned) the title of APA Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist. This is a huge reflection of years of work and study which Naveena brings to every single physiotherapy consultation.

If you’re having any difficulties with back pain, neck pain, knee pain or shoulder pain our physios are here for you every day this January. For those who get really excited in the lead up to the Australian Open and develop tennis elbow, our physios can help with that too. Well, they can help every day except the public holidays. But every other day. You can book in with our physios online here or by calling 9304 0500.

So, start your ‘20 right. We’re here if you need.